Kill yourself in gote

Path: <= Mistake =>
  Difficulty: Beginner   Keywords: Life & Death, Tactics

Even worse than death in gote is to kill your own group in gote.

Here is a full list:

  1. live in sente
  2. live in gote
  3. die in sente
  4. die in gote
  5. kill yourself in gote.

Killing yourself in gote can be seen as equivalent to losing three moves, compared to the top level; levels 2 and 3 on the list both mean unsettled status

-- Matti

Fwiffo: Is it not possible to kill yourself in sente?

Neil: I'm guessing some sort of Mutual life example can be found where you throw away your stones, the opponent has to respond, and then you're left with the same initative you had before, only having suffered a loss.

Tas Of course you can Kill yourself in sente, se the link.

BTW here is my evaluation of the above list.

  1. Obviously good
  2. Good unless you have an even bigger play elsewhere (unlikely)
  3. Irrelevant (migth lose some aji though)
  4. Wasted move
  5. Lose the move AND a lot of points.

At five of course is to be inserted the KillYourselfInSente - Loss of points without the loss of the move


(from the carpenter's square)


B4 is suicide in gote. Tenuki leaves Black with an eyeshape White can only almost fill with killing shapes.

See also:

Path: <= Mistake =>
Kill yourself in gote last edited by 2607:fa49:7860:5d00 on October 24, 2020 - 16:57
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