KGS Tournament Broadcasts

    Keywords: Tournament, Online Go

One of the nice things about hanging out on KGS is the occasional chance to see live relays of tournament games, with lots of lively discussion! At the time of writing, we have just witnessed ten thrilling games from the 2005 European Go Congress.

The final game from the 1st Russian Pro Championship. Dmitrij Bogatskij vs Alexandre Dinerchtein: [ext]

The homepage of the event: [ext]

xela: I suppose these games will be stored for posterity in the KGS archives. For example, searching for user "EGC2005" will give a list of 'demonstration' games, which are the games from the European Go Congress in 2005. Which other tournaments have been broadcast in the past? and under what usernames?

RueLue: The German Masters 2006 ('Deutsche Go-Einzelmeisterschaft') have been broadcasted: 'DGoEM1'-'DGoEM3' (first three boards, next year maybe also 'DGoEM4' for the 4th board). Some of these games have been commented by Ms. Yoon Young-sun 5 dan pro from Korea (now living in Hamburg, Ger.) (for results and sgf-files see [ext] )
Some games of the European Go Congress 2006 have been broadcasted too: 'EGC2006'
As these user names are rarely used, you may need to go to the [ext] KGS-archive page and set the switch 'Include expired and guest accounts' for your search.

xela[1]: At the moment (August 2007) the AGA e-journal advertises that US go congress games are broadcast on KGS--but so far I haven't managed to be online at the right time. Does anyone know which username is doing the broadcasts? Can the games be found in the archives?

Some games have also been broadcast by users "USGO1" and "eurogotv"

anonymous: I would be remiss if I didn't point out that KGS is not the only server to relay games. Nor are the games they relay the best. Both IGS and wBaduk relay games. IGS relays the games of the final matches of the Japanese final rounds of major title matches. wBaduk relays these games as will as minor title matches and many ( but not all ) league game. wBaduk also relays tournaments of China and Korea, as well as international tournaments.

xela: I particularly enjoy the KGS relays because they tend to generate more discussion and commentary.

[1] I know, putting a signed comment on the page when it could have gone into a forum... The page isn't an "article" as it stands; if it does eventually generate enough material to be worth a WME then it will be easier if everything is on one page to being with.

KGS Tournament Broadcasts last edited by RobertPauli on December 19, 2017 - 15:59
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