Keywords: Humour, Online Go

User pictures on KGS

KGS lets you do a neat little thing.

And that is to let you put an avatar in your user infos(not sure about other servers)

Many people on KGS will not play you if you do not have a pic. Solution? Get one. And get a good one. Or else.

  • Guys get girls
  • Use anime and game characters
  • use yourself
  • use non-human objects
  • use something funny
  • change your pic at least every month
  • use something go-related
  • any others?


Malweth Stating that many people will not play you if you have no pic is false information. There may be some few who feel this way, but I doubt there are "many." In any case, KGS Animal Players should be at least referenced here :D

IanDavis I object to the above comment. Playing somebody without a picture is a foul, disgusting, stomach churning experience. I would much rather play a guest with a ~ who had a ? rank and was my rank or greater.

YouCantWin I actually don't get why people like you dislike players with pics so much. Why is it anyway?

(Hicham) I've been playing on KGS for more than a year now and I have no pic. Only once in a while someone asks why I don't have one. The answer is that I don't have pictures on my pc. Come on, people, pictures are really not important. Being friendly is , leaving without speaking is way more irritating.

I am sure that the vast majority of players doesn't care that I do not have a pic. I personally like to read people info on KGS, but I lot of people don't write anything there. Who am I to force them or call them names? This page can't be taken serious.

YouCantWin Most people do have user infos. Pictures are important as well, this page is quite serious.

I'm sorry I thought this page had a humour keyword ^.^

axd: All this being written, is it worthwhile adding following to the KGS wishlist: some KGS webpage contains (or some catalog of pages, but I have no idea how to structure this) pics of all players having one?

ottomated: Could someone add info here about how to create and add an avatar? KGS user's guide#toc4 (4)Pictures

KGS Pic last edited by on March 20, 2008 - 21:20
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