Joseki - Volume 1. Fundamentals / TOC

This table of contents is shortened and widened. The actual table of contents is available [ext] from the author's site.

1.1 Introduction The Difficulty of Understanding Josekis 13
1.2 How to Read this Book 13
1.3 Overview 15
1.4 Acknowledgements and Technical Remarks 16
2.1 What Is a Joseki? Model 18
2.2 Opinion and History 19
2.3 Local Equality 21
3.1 Occupying an Empty Corner The 3-3 Point 25
3.2 The 3-4 Point 27
3.3 The 3-5 Point 30
3.4 The 3-6 Point 32
3.5 The 4-4 Point 34
3.6 The 4-5 Point 37
3.7 The 4-6 Point 40
3.8 The 5-5 Point 41
3.9.1 The Start of the Opening Introduction 42
3.9.2 Symmetrical Moves 44
3.9.3 The Asymmetry of the 3-4 45
3.9.4 The Asymmetry of the 3-5 and the 4-5 48
3.10.1 Empty Corners during the Middle Game Timing 54
3.10.2 The Most Important Corner 55
3.10.3 Where to Play in the Corner 57
3.10.4 Examples 58
4.1.1 First Move in the Center The 10-10 Point and Nearby Points Mirror Go 65
4.1.2 Center Influence 66
4.2 Irregular Moves 68
5.1 Corner Enclosures Introduction 70
5.2.1 Features of a Corner Enclosure Open Corner 72
5.2.2 Closed Corner 73
5.2.3 Open Side 74
5.2.4 Closed Side 75
5.2.5 Narrow Enclosure 76
5.2.6 Wide Enclosure 77
6.1 Approach Move to a Corner Stone Introduction 78
6.2 Entering the Corner 79
6.3 Between Corner and Side 81
6.4.1 Checking Extension from a Side General 82
6.4.2 Low and Near 83
6.4.3 Low and Far 84
6.4.4 High and Near 85
6.4.5 High and Far 86
6.5 Center Block 87
6.6 Middle Game Invasion or Reduction 89
6.7 Ko Threat or Ladder Breaker 90
7.1 Pincer Introduction 94
7.2 Features 95
7.3 Near and Low 97
7.4 Near and High 99
7.5 Far and Low 100
7.6 Far and High 103
7.7 Very Far and Low 104
7.8 Very Far and High 106
7.9 Center Block 107
7.10 Examples of Not Playing a Pincer 109
7.11 Returning the Pincer 110
7.12 Other Pincers 111
8.1 Symmetries The Colour Symmetry 112
8.2 The Corner Symmetries of Mirroring and Rotation 112
8.3 The Symmetry of a Corner Enclosure 113
8.4 The Symmetry of a Corner Stone and Approach Move 113
9.1 Move Types Introduction 114
9.2.1 Connection General 116
9.2.2 String Connection 117
9.2.3 Direct Connection 118
9.2.4 Indirect Connection 120
9.3.1 Cut General 122
9.3.2 Crosscut 122
9.3.3 Large Scale Cut 124
9.3.4 Invasion 125
9.4.1 Capture General 126
9.4.2 Normal Captures 128
9.4.3 Cut and Capture 129
9.4.4 Net 129
9.4.5 Ladder 131
9.4.6 Removal 133
9.4.7 Contributing to a Capturing Race 134
9.5.1 Eyespace and Territory General 136
9.5.2 Protecting and Expanding Eyespace and Territory 136
9.5.3 Reduction 138
9.6.1 Extension General 139
9.6.2 Normal Extension 139
9.6.3 Entering the 3-3 Point 140
9.7 Checking Extension 143
9.8.1 Pressing Setting up Pressure from above and Pressing 145
9.8.2 Fencing in 147
9.9 Introduction to Thick Shapes 148
9.10.1 Thick Extension Single Extension 149
9.10.2 Bipolar Extensions 150
9.10.3 Multiple Thick Extensions from a Crosscut 150
9.11.1 Thick Block General 151
9.11.2 Directional Block 152
9.11.3 Connecting Block 152
9.11.4 Cutting Block 153
9.12.1 Thick Connection Thick String Connection 153 Thick Diagonal Connection Thick Diagonal Pair 154 Thick Diagonal Pair and Jump 155 Thick Diagonal String Connection 156 Thick Jump Standard Shape 156 Solidified Standard Shape 157 Standard One-Point Jump 158 Jump from Hanging Connection 158 Jump from a Thick Wall 159
9.13.1 Thick Cut Protection Solid Connection 159
9.13.2 Hanging Connection 161
9.13.3 Empty Net 163
9.13.4 Thick Throw-in 164
9.14.1 Thick Turn Attacking a Single Stone Worth Defending 165
9.14.2 Leaning on a Light Stone 166
9.14.3 Playing at the Head of at least Two Stones 167
9.14.4 Mutually Blocking Turns 167
9.14.5 Successive Turns 167
9.15 Thick Capture 168
9.16.1 Light and Thin Shapes Short Light Jump 168
9.16.2 Thin Block 171
9.16.3 Thin Connection and Thin Turn 171
9.16.4 Light Remainder 172
9.17.1 Attachment Diagonal Attachment 173
9.17.2 Jumping Attachment 174
9.17.3 Nose Attachment 175
9.17.4 Clamp 175
9.17.5 Free Attachment 175
9.18.1 Creating Possibilities Wedge 176
9.18.2 Threatening a Connection 178
9.18.3 Preparing a Crosscut 178
9.18.4 Threatening a Cut 179
9.18.5 Making Cuts Severer 180
9.18.6 Atari 181
9.18.7 Threatening a Capture 182
9.18.8 Threatening to Fence in 183
9.18.9 Threatening a Squeeze 183
9.18.10 Putting Helping Stones in front of a Wall 184
9.19.1 Eliminating Possibilities Escape from Atari 185
9.19.2 Defense against Capture 186
9.19.3 Miscellaneous Examples 187
9.20 Sacrifice 188
10.1 Meanings of a Stone Introduction 192
10.2.1 Construction Defense 192
10.2.2 Connection 193
10.2.3 Construction of a Development Direction or Movement 194
10.2.4 Protecting and Expanding Eyespace and Territory 194
10.2.5 Installation of a Proto-group 195
10.2.6 Construction of a Group 196
10.2.7 Construction of a Sphere of Influence 196
10.2.8 Construction of Thickness 197
10.2.9 Developing a Nearby or Another Group 197
10.3.1 Destruction Cut 199
10.3.2 Reduction 200
10.3.3 Weakening 200
10.3.4 Attack 201
10.4.1 Combined Construction and Destruction Capture 201
10.4.2 Block 202
10.4.3 Exchange 203
10.5.1 Creating Possibilities Threatening Thick Shape 204
10.5.2 Threatening a Connection 205
10.5.3 Threatening a Cut 205
10.5.4 Making Cuts Severer 206
10.5.5 Threatening a Capture 207
10.5.6 Threatening a Break-in 208
10.5.7 Creating Miai to Develop Either Group 208
10.5.8 Test 209
10.6 Eliminating Possibilities 210
11.1 Development Directions General 211
11.2.1 Corner Movement to the Corner 212
11.2.2 Intended Movement to the Corner 212
11.2.3 Corner Block 213
11.2.4 3-3 Block 213
11.2.5 Corner Block and Edge Reduction 214
11.2.6 Corner Block with Threat 214
11.3.1 Edge Edge Block with Movement to the Corner 215
11.3.2 Edge Block 215
11.3.3 Intended Edge Block 215
11.3.4 Edge Block with Movement along the Edge 216
11.4 Between Edge and Side 217
11.5.1 Side Side Block and Corner Reduction 217
11.5.2 Side Block 218
11.5.3 Intended Side Block 218
11.5.4 Side Block and Movement to the Center 219
11.5.5 Side Block and Intended Movement to the Center 219
11.5.6 Side Block with Threat 220
11.6.1 Between Side and Center Block between Side and Center 221
11.6.2 Block between Side and Center with Threat 221
11.7.1 Center Center Block with Intended, Not Urgent Movement 221
11.7.2 Center Block with Intended, Urgent Movement 222
11.7.3 Center Block with Threat 222
11.7.4 Moving Out 223
11.7.5 Intention of Moving Out 224
11.8 Developing from a Crosscut 225
12.1 Miscellaneous Evaluation of Territory 226
12.2 Local Move Selection 230
12.3.1 Aspects of Extensions and Checking Extensions The Gap Between a Wall and Extension 233
12.3.2 When to Make An Extension 240
12.3.3 When Not to Make an Extension 242
12.3.4 Where to Play a Checking Extension 243
12.4.1 The Behaviour of Some Specific Shapes Bad Escape from an Indirect Capture 244
12.4.2 How to Play Nets 245
12.4.3 The Vital Point of Two or Three Stones 247
12.4.4 Capturing the Cutting Stone 247
12.4.5 Superfluous Cuts of Successive Turns 248
13.1 Exercises Problems 250
13.2 Answers 254
14 Index 262

Joseki - Volume 1. Fundamentals / TOC last edited by tapir on June 7, 2011 - 20:18
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