Japanese Go Terms / Translation Requests

Sub-page of JapaneseGoTerms

Translation Requests

maruseru: Could someone please help me with a translation? A chapter title of a book I have is 活用法から考える隅の形. I know the following:

  • 活用 "katsuyou" = "practical use; application"
  • 法 "hou" = "law; act; principle; method"
  • から "kara" = "from"
  • 考える "kangaeru" = "to consider; to think about".
  • 隅の形 "sumi no katachi" = "corner shape(s)".

But how does it all fit together? "Corner shapes that consider methods of practical use" sounds strange. Thank you for your help.

tapir: Sorry, I can't help -> later it may be moved to JapaneseBigQuestionMark

Herman: No expertise on Japanese here, but might I suggest something like: "(learning) Practical principles from thinking about corner shapes", or "Considering corners shapes, principles that you can apply (in your own games)".

Bill: The Japanese often leave out the subject of a clause or sentence. Here you or the author is doing the considering. A rough translation: Corner shapes considered from the standpoint of practical methods. Or more idiomatically, Practical corner shapes. :)

Japanese Go Terms / Translation Requests last edited by Bill on June 22, 2009 - 14:54
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