Jantiff/ High Handicap

Sub-page of Jantiff

Influence-oriented High Handicap Fuseki as White

My friend Azatoth and I used to play high handicap games, both for fun and learning. Such games give White a peculiar strategy problem.

Black indeed, thanks to the power of the 4-4 point, starts far ahead in the balance of influence, and White can hardly make any territory without conceding some extra power.

So, before she invades deeply, White would like to shift the balance of power. If she fails to do so, invading will give Black the perfect opportunity to grow a moyo and to take the initiative.

White can shift the balance of power through a number of means, including playing high, light, and luring Black into making weak groups.

As my deshi Azatoth was getting stronger, learning how to grow moyo, I found myself needing more and more influence early in the game.

Here's an (extreme ?) example from a [ext] 7-stone game of ours. Please feel free to comment !

Moves 1 to 10  

W1 at the 7-7 point is a kind of probe aimed at developping some influence. B2 is a territorial answer.

White then challenges Black on the top side with the light combination of W3 and W5.

When Black bravely attacks with B6, attempting to isolate W1, White cuts and has the ladder.

Moves 11 to 20  

After W3, a and b are miai and White is thick.

B4 gives White an opportunity to utilize her brand new thickness.

W5 and W7 attack, pressuring B4 and B6, gaining influence in the process.

B8 virtually forces W9, on the juncture point.

Black's tenuki at B10 is a huge play, and White still has a lot to do.

Moves 21 to 30  

W1 and W3 to surround the corner, gaining more power.

The simple jump of B4 is a nice reply.

W5 takes another juncture point.

Moves 31 to 40  

W7 and W9 to reduce black's lower side and gain even more influence.

Moves 41 to 47  

After some preparatory moves, White launches the double attack of W7. The middlegame is starting.

Black has some cash, but is behind in the balance of power, and retains several invasion points. White eventually won the game.

Jantiff/ High Handicap last edited by blubb on October 28, 2006 - 16:06
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