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About me:

My real name is Jaron. You can find me as JTron on most Go related websites, such as KGS, DGS, IGS, here (obviously) and IgoLocal. I'm a Go player (17k on DGS, 12k on KGS...I'm guessing 15k AGA, but I am not yet a member) living in the Northern California Foothills. I love Go, but boy is it frustrating some times (especially during prolonged losing streaks)! :P

Finding other players in the real world can be difficult if you don't live in a major metropolis. If you said "amen" to that, check out [ext] IgoLocal, a map based website that seeks to connect Go players in real life.

I write [ext] Game On, a blog about Go. It follows my journey through the game, starting with beginner material. In the future I will branch out to more intermediate material as well. Advanced material? We'll see how far I get. :) If anyone reads it and has comments or suggestions (or if I have misunderstood something significant about a concept or definition in Go), feel free to comment on my blog, and I will probably change it. I have a few other blogs as well, accessible from Game On.

I will add to this page soon...

JTron last edited by on February 14, 2011 - 20:48
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