JGo Board

    Keywords: Software, Online Go

[ext] jGoBoard is a photo-realistic go board that can easily be manipulated via JavaScript. The source code is open and it can be freely used for non-commercial purposes under a Creative Commons license.

The library is still under development, but it should already work fine in most modern browsers (tested on recent Firefox, Chrome, IE, and Safari). A simple SGF viewer has also been implemented using the library:

[ext] http://static.jgoboard.com/sgf.html

Feel free to add any comments or questions below. The new 2.1 version also supports easy embedding of jGoBoard to view .SGF files, similarly to EidoGo and some Flash-based viewers.

To contact the author directly, the contact details can be found here: [ext] http://joonaspihlajamaa.com/about.html

isd: I uploaded a file in IE8 and tested it out. The first 2 stones are a little slow, but after that it ran fairly fast. Looks fairly functional to me. I'd perhaps prefer some little arrow buttons instead of just text links for tree navigation.

jrdn: I know you didn't design this to be embedded but I shoved it in a greasemonkey script so it can be used on DGS anyway: [ext] http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/98196 To be honest I am not all that familiar with creative commons stuff so I've tried to do the attributions right - please let me know if there is anything else you'd like me to change. Thanks for this work, it's a beautiful board.

axd: When I try this URL ([ext] http://www.dragongoserver.net/game.php?gid=625448), the script reports "SGF did not start with "(;" or end with ")"!". Works fine when I download the SGF first. jrdn: Now that is a weird one. Will investigate this evening and let you know if I come up with anything.

jokkebk?: I think the greasemonkey script you made jrdn was extremely cool. I just published version 2.0 of the library with full marker support via board.mark(coord, marker), you may want to check it out if you want to add DGS scoring with jGoBoard, too. Oh and I thought the attribution was very good in your script, thanks for that!

JGo Board last edited by on September 22, 2012 - 06:58
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