
  Difficulty: Advanced   Keywords: Go term

Ijime (苛め) - bullying, tormenting but in go it refers to the free sente moves you get by playing against weak positions.

(This word is recently falling into disuse in Go, for fear of its use encouraging bullying in schools. Yoritsuki is preferred.)

For more on ijime, see /Discussion

In [ext] http://lifein19x19.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4250 John Fairbairn says:

Too many western teachers just promote the idea of getting stable groups with two eyes. Our programmer had a nice approach to this (indirectly) by introducing a new "proverb" - stop fighting only when there are three eyes. The important point is that stability as represented by two eyes in the early part of the game does not necessarily mean strength. The eyes at that stage are not likely to be well formed, even though they can be made easily in response to attack. In other words, they are virtual eyes. The trouble is that every time the opponent is attacking he is probably making a point or two profit. This is bullying. Unfortunately, in go, bullying often works. But if you have three eyes you are immune from bullying, because two of them act as miai. If the opponent threatens one he is a tempo behind - you ignore him, he takes that eye away, but you still have two left. In other words, when building positions you should be trying to make three-eye shapes rather than two-eye shapes.

ijime last edited by hnishy on September 22, 2022 - 02:27
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