IGS World Rapid Championship

    Keywords: Online Go

(パンダネット プロアマオープン インターネット世界囲碁選手権) The Pandanet World Open Internet Rapid Go Championship was a one-off international tournament, primarily played online on IGS. Registration was open for anyone with an IGS account. Set up as a huge knockout tournament, professional players began to be phased in during the third round. Sponsored by the Nihon Ki-in, the Kansai Ki-in, the Japan Pair-Go Association, the Zhongguo Qiyuan, and IGS. Top prize was three million yen.

The tournament began on January 29, 2005. The final eight players were invited to Tokyo to play out the final three rounds on April 16 and 17, 2005.

The Internet games have a time limit of 1 minute main time plus 25 moves in 10 minutes overtime. The face-to-face games have a time limit of 30 seconds per move and ten 1-minute periods of additonal time. Komi is 6.5.

Full results can be found at [ext] IGS-Pandanet. The results from the third round on can also be found at Gobase.org.

Note--dates shown below are when most of the games in a round were played. Some games were played earlier or later than others.

Fifth Round--IGS-Pandanet, March 19, 2005

O Rissei	   1-0 backwards?
Chen Jia	   1-0 Ono Koji
Hane Naoki	   1-0 Minematsu Masaki
Sakai Hideyuki    1-0 Crespo?
Kobayashi Koichi  1-0 Kitano Ryo
Lin ChinHan?	   1-0 Katsuma Shiro
Mimura Tomoyasu   1-0 Murakawa Daisuke
Yamashiro Hiroshi 1-0 NuoNuo?
Nakano Hironari   1-0 S1?
RoseDuke	   1-0 Sasaki Tsuyoshi
Kurotaki Masaki   1-0 Takekiyo Isamu
Kono Rin	   1-0 Takemiya Yoko
Nakano Yasuhiro   1-0 Michael Redmond
So Yokoku	   1-0 Cho Sonjin
Zhou Jun Xun	   1-0 Song Li?
Takao Shinji	   1-0 Aoki Shinichi

Sixth Round--IGS Pandanet, April 2, 2005

Nakano Hironari   1-0 Takao Shinji
Hane Naoki        1-0 Mimura Tomoyasu
Yamashiro Hiroshi 1-0 Kurotaki Masaki
Kono Rin          1-0 RoseDuke
Zhou Jun Xun      1-0 Chen Jia
Kobayashi Koichi  1-0 Nakano Yasuhiro
Sakai Hideyuki    1-0 Lin ChinHan?
So Yokoku         1-0 O Rissei

Quarterfinals--Pandanet Tokyo Headquarters, April 16, 2005

Kono Rin          1-0 So Yokoku
Hane Naoki        1-0 Zhou Jun Xun
Kobayashi Koichi  1-0 Sakai Hideyuki
Nakano Hironari   1-0 Yamashiro Hiroshi

Semifinals--Pandanet Tokyo Headquarters, April 16, 2005

Kobayashi Koichi  1-0 Nakano Hironari
Hane Naoki        1-0 Kono Rin

Finals--Pandanet Tokyo Headquarters, April 17, 2005

Hane Naoki        1-0 Kobayashi Koichi

IGS World Rapid Championship last edited by hnishy on September 13, 2022 - 11:45
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