Gokyo Shumyo, Section 2, Problem 67 / Attempts

ProtoDeuteric: Here is my attempt. Hopefully it is not too blindsighted.

First Attempt  

ProtoDeuteric: Again, I am sure I misread somewhere, but this is a good try for me.

Doesn't work  

fractic: It looks like B2 is a better answer to W1.


If White is to succeed in killing Black, we need to first think about a few things.

White to kill Black  
  1. 1. A Black play @ circle doesn't give Black an second eye given White's response at square (assuming White corner is alive).
  1. 2. Black's stones at the top make one eye easily (after a White attack there)... but can't get a second eye (even when playing there first). (Assuming White corner is alive)

Conclusion A: White needs to make the corner group live by giving them two eyes, escaping to friendly stones, or destroying the liberties of the surrounding group first.

Making eyes...?  

It is possible for White to get two eyes marked with circles if White stones at "w" are played. These three moves are too many for this shape to be made on it's own... so White can threaten making this shape to get another situation -- or use another situation and get this shape in return.

Escaping out  

This less obvious arrangement of White stones could be used to escape along the top. However; Black would be reluctant to let White escape out so easily. These three White circled stones have only three liberties themselves. Where would Black's moves go if this mistake was made? Are some places better than others? Could the threat of this be used in some way?

Escaping out  

The White play at 1 is an obvious way for White to connect the White stones out along the left side of the board. The White stones crawling along have a weakness that Black can exploit if White is comitted to connecting them out.

Can White force Black into a dead shape?  

Black, having more liberties than White -- weakens the merits of a direct liberty battle. Squeezing and tesuji plays to eliminate Black's liberties seem limited to taking away Black's eye shape making space. If White can develop a rabbity 6 shape inside Black's group (obviously when Black can't make other eyes)... then the Black group will die. If White plays at "w" a rabbity 6 shape is made, but it doesn't stop Black from having another eye at the top.


unkx80: B2 and B4 appears to be Black's strongest resistance, leading to ko.


unkx80: W3 threatens to make two eyes. If B4 and B6, Black dies in gote because the corner is going to be almost filled with flower six.

Gokyo Shumyo, Section 2, Problem 67 / Attempts last edited by Unkx80 on June 29, 2008 - 18:15
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