Go Terms By Robert Jasiek

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Robert Jasiek coined several terms in his books Joseki Volume 1 Fundamentals and Joseki Volume 2 Strategy and in various other texts. Here is a selection of those that have articles of their own in Sensei's Library. To every term we added a definition by Robert Jasiek and at times a more informal description.

Connection terms

New terms

Robert classifies connections as string connection, direct connection or indirect connection. Another approach to connection status is n-connected, which assigns the degree n of connectivity.

String connection

Definition: a stone placement that connects itself to a string or unifies two or several strings as one string

Indirect connection

Definition: does not ensure a 100% connection but makes cutting unattractive or at best equal for the opponent

Direct connection

Definition: prevents any opposing cut

Informal: counterpart to indirect connection, refers to stones that stay connected without leaning on another group or threatening damage elsewhere, as e.g. a keima slide from 3rd to 2nd line




A player's group of stones is

  • n-connected if the opponent starts and the player can make at most n passes before his first play and defends all the stones to be string-connected or directly connected to each other,
  • -n-connected if the player starts and needs at least n plays before the opponent's first play to defend all the stones to be string-connected or directly connected to each other.
  • Besides *-connected refers to arbitrarily many passes of the player.

Thick cut protection

Definition: (to be added)

Newly defined terms

Solid connection

Informal: string connection that protects a cut, when connecting exactly 2 strings; differs from current Sensei's Library usage.

Ko terms


An x-ko is a ko with x approach-moves that one side has to make while for the other side the ko is direct.

dead ko

External and Internal Ko

Various other terms


Definition: (to be added)


Definition: (to be added)


Definition: (to be added)


Definition: (to be added)

Current territory

Definition: (to be added)


Definition: A player's investment in a set of nearby groups consists of his stones added or sacrificed there since the previous stable state and until the next stable state.

Note: The concept was previously known (although apparently mainly in Asia) but Robert has provided it with an English name and a definition.


Definition: a local region of the board suitably chosen for counting stones, intersections or points conveniently

Mobility count

Definition: (to be added)


Definition: 0-territory is current territory, n-territory isn't territory, but needs n moves to become territory.

Go Terms By Robert Jasiek last edited by tapir on April 24, 2014 - 11:47
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