Get Strong At Trolling

    Keywords: Humour, Online Go

Trolling is the act of posting messages on topics in such a manner as to cause controversy, dissension, and conflict. For an excellent example of trolling outside of the Go world, watch the movie Braveheart with Mel Gibson. When he offers to allow the British army to leave the field of battle on the condition that their leader present himself before the troops, bend over and kiss his own arse - that's a prime example of trolling....

Some more topical examples of trolling, in the Go world:

 - "That's not dead - it's a ko! Black (or white) can use a seki as a ko
    threat." (in referring to bent-4 in the corner). Guaranteed to generate
    a 30-minute debate that has already happened 4500 times before.
 - "Chinese rules are clearly superior to Japanese rules."
 - "TheCaptain is playing it safe here."
 - "Chess is a better game than go."

Please feel free to add your own examples. But the point is to say something that some fool will feel compelled to respond to, and some other fool will feel compelled to defend. Thus, the war of the words begins....

Bob the Builder: If only KGS banned people from EGR, not just KGS. I don't think banning is a good way of stopping trolling. It gives the user the feeling that no matter how many times they troll all that will happen is a small ban. P.S: It is difficult even for the admins to know when someone is trolling because the big word is: "Purposeful." Sometimes it is better to ban from a room or place rather then a whole site or server.

Some admins tend to assume that if you're called a '`troll' by someone that you're actually trolling.

Get Strong At Trolling last edited by on February 5, 2013 - 03:20
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