Get Strong At Tesuji / Errata

Sub-page of GetStrongAtTesuji

This errata refers to 'First Printing September 1996'.

p iv.
Wrong: However, it is surprising how even dan-level players miss some of these simply tesujis in their games.
Right: However, it is surprising how even dan-level players miss some of these simple tesujis in their games.
p17, problem 44.
Wrong: Black to rescue his five white stones on the left.
Right: Black to rescue his five stones on the left.
p26, answer 68.
Wrong: The attachment of 1 enables Black to defends against the cut and escape into the center with 7.
Right: The attachment of 1 enables Black to defend against the cut and escape into the center with 7.
p30, answer 80.
Wrong: diagaonal
Right: diagonal
p38, answer 107.
Wrong: White is short of liberites, so he can't play at 'a'.
Right: White is short of liberties, so he can't play at 'a'.
p52, answer 146.
Wrong: If White 2 at 3, Black wins the capturing by playing 'a'.
Right: If White 2 at 3, Black wins the capturing race by playing 'a'.
p56, answer 159.
Wrong: Answer 159: dagonal attachment
Right: Answer 159: diagonal attachment
p62, answer 180.
Wrong: Black should cut at 'a' and not be afraid of the ko...
Right: Black should cut at 1 and not be afraid of the ko...
p73, problem 216.
Wrong: How does Black to link up his stones.
Right: How does Black link up his stones?
p132, answer 388.
Wrong: ...forcing White to make bade shape.
Right: ...forcing White to make bad shape.
p156, answer 459.
Wrong: Black wedges in with 1, plays ataris with 3, and sacrifices the two stones on the right.
Right: Black wedges in with 1, plays atari with 3, and sacrifices the two stones on the right.
p158, answer 463.
Wrong: At first glance, it doesn't seems as if Black has a move, but Black 1 captures three white stones.
Right: At first glance, it doesn't seem as if Black has a move, but Black 1 captures three white stones.
p170, answer 502.
Wrong: The descent of Black 1 is a quiet move which gives him a eye.
Right: The descent of Black 1 is a quiet move which gives him an eye.

Get Strong At Tesuji / Errata last edited by PeterHB on April 23, 2013 - 22:57
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