Get strong at go doping

    Keywords: Humour

(1 april 2009) Soon maybe there may be doping tests at the world amateur Go championship, and not to forget go at the olympics.

This is to clean up the game (a healthy mind needs an healthy body) and to prevent go addicts joining clean tournaments.

We at sensei's library want to be in the frontline of these developments and want you to be aware of the following illegal activities and how they will be diagnosed. So you can prepair yourself for these new regulations

As that Go is a mindsport? there will be much psychological testing. (still to add)

Illegal Activities that may lead to disqualification

Not taking the drugs test
Even if you don't know what it is for, or how it is done, refusing to take the drugstest will lead to disqualification, be aware that it does include a sextest as well so don't use urine of the opposite sex. (or do if you pretend to be one)
    • from an not-to-be-named other mindsport chess there have been rumours that players have been disqualified just because after a loss they were unable to concentrate enough to give their sample, Unfortunedly samples can only be given after a match.
3rd category drugs
Before you think that LSD (hi men) Prozac (since I don't care about dead groups anymore my rating has flown through the clouds) and other illegal drugs will also lead to disqualification. Or to inprisomnment without goban(whatever you prefer)

Doubtfull Activities

Prescribed drugs
Need to be discused with the international drugs officers comittee before using. use the 5 language prescribed form (Be aware that the form needs to be filled in English, French, Chinese, Japanese and Korean, Russian is optional)
the most used disqualifying drugs. It is known that at a certain EGF tournament was even sponsered by an not-to-be named coffee supplier. The first prize consisted out of 10 kg of this lovely brown stuff. (there are rumours it was before the coffee ban took effect)
not on the list YET
Not sleeping before tournaments
Although in scientific circles the effectivity of this method is seriously in doubt (of the 40 participants in a scientific test 4 participants fell asleep after move 150) still it is on the doping list.
sleeping with joseki books under your pillow
At the moment not detectable, but it is thought that it will leave a measurable slight depression in the skull.
using dead masters
Hikaru you are disqualified.
Playing in the clouds
(aka blooddoping) playing at high altitude to increase the oxigen content of the blood when you play again at your own level. , this also applies to stopping with smoking before tournaments. easy to detect,
playing in the clouds II
(aka playing against weaker opponents only) Always make sure that the amount of stones you took as handicap equals the amount the amount of stones you gave.
Online go playing
It is assumed that online go playing has an inproper influence on your playing strenght. there will be unexpected house visits to investigate that you do.nt play go online.

more to follow

Reading articles on sensei's library
maybe the biggest threat to clean go are the go addicts who late at night visit sensei's library a well known meetingplace for go addicts. Unfortunedly you are now to late. Your ip email and DNA has been logged. from now on you may only play go for fun. sorry....

[1] This deserves a (non-humourous) footnote, because some people really have been worried about this. Under the proposed anti-doping rules, caffeine will be monitored but not banned. It's still OK to drink coffee at go tournaments, despite rumours to the contrary. More info at Doping in Go and [ext]

Get strong at go doping last edited by Dieter on September 21, 2021 - 12:14
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