Fujitsu 17 Yi Wang Chuban Part 2

Moves 89-  

HolIgor: Black achievement on the right like a half full glass. There are two big gote plays now: a and b . Two big gote plays means that black would surely have one of them. On the other hand this means that black will not have both. Miai. But black finished on the right in sente, so it is time to invade with B1. White stones do not feel too comfortable against the black wall, so one of the aims of B1 is to cut them off.

I would be scared to invade so deep. Wang Lei has everything read out.

HolIgor: After forcing W2 B3 exchange, white decided to trade the possible territory on the right for the centre. This seems very safe and perhaps requires a good estimation of the score. No problems with the stones near the strong black wall, everything seems to be connected. There should be a lot of reading behind these moves. Could white actually kill the invader?

Hikaru79: I do not understand W2. Why not play W2 at B3, forcing c? This seems to lose the cutting point that white has at d, as well as reduce the value of a play around e. Obviously I'm missing something ^ ^;; Could someone fill me in?

HolIgor: It is very difficult to say. Perhaps white is thinking in terms of the most efficient way to close the center with a move around f. I can say only that playing e and forcing the opponent to descend to the first line endangers the corner, not a very good idea.

Dave: Another thing to realize about the W2, B3 exchange is that White can still play g later if that is appropriate.

Charles Mmm, timing question: sooner rather than later, really.

Kikashi but heavy  

Bill: Compare this diagram with the game. white+circle and W1 are heavy and too close to Black's strong wall. Remember the proverb, Do not approach strong stones. It applies to kikashi as well. ;-) White's kosumi in the game also threatens the cut, but is lighter, safer, more flexible, and better coordinated with white+square.

Charles See also too close. A diagonal play, quite generally, can be used in a middlegame fight to 'move' a group one line in a preferred direction.

HolIgor: Returning to the main diagram. B9, W10 exchange seems to be natural at the same time this is the most difficult to understand part of the game. W10 leaves behind a cutting point. The question whether in the case white connect solidly, black had anything in the corner. As will be seen in the game W10 actually connects the corner stones to the centre. Yet, white's losses in the game seem colossal. On the other hand, at a certain moment I would like to ask a question from Hikaru no Go: did white read this far? Understanding at least a part of the reasoning behind the moves is an achievement.

Moves 99-  

HolIgor: The problem is in understanding W2. Now black can connect easily and then think about a cut in the centre. But,perhaps, after black's connection white can simply patch the cut while th corner is already safe. So, there is a small life and death problem to solve.

A problem: Black to make trouble in the corner  

Dave: Trouble isn't the word for this! Now the problem is "White to live".

A problem: Black to make trouble in the corner  

Dave: Big eye beats small eye?

A problem: Black to make trouble in the corner  

Fujitsu 17 Yi Wang Chuban Part 2 last edited by Blake on May 23, 2004 - 08:03
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