EGF Rating per Rank

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The theoretical relationship between rank and rating in the EGF Rating System is the following

  • A kyu rank k is represented by the rating range where r is between 2100-100*k +/- 50
  • A dan rank d is represented by the rating range where r is 2000+100*d +/- 50
  • A pro rank p is represented by the rating range where r is 2670+30*p +/- 15

In table form:

Rank   Rating
 9p    2925 - 2955
 8p    2895 - 2925
 7p    2865 - 2895
 6p    2835 - 2865
 5p    2805 - 2835
 4p    2775 - 2805
 3p    2745 - 2775
 2p    2715 - 2745
 1p    2685 - 2715
Rank   Rating
 7d	2650 - 2750
 6d	2550 - 2650
 5d	2450 - 2550
 4d	2350 - 2450
 3d	2250 - 2350
 2d	2150 - 2250
 1d	2050 - 2150
 1k	1950 - 2050
 2k	1850 - 1950
Rank   Rating
 3k	1750 - 1850
 4k	1650 - 1750
 5k	1550 - 1650
 6k	1450 - 1550
 7k	1350 - 1450
 8k	1250 - 1350
 9k	1150 - 1250
10k	1050 - 1150
11k	 950 - 1050
Rank   Rating
12k	 850 -  950
13k	 750 -  850
14k	 650 -  750
15k	 550 -  650
16k	 450 -  550
17k	 350 -  450
18k	 250 -  350
19k	 150 -  250
20k	 100 -  150

In several countries, you obtain a certain rank when you exceed the midpoint (e.g. you get 1d when you get above 2100) and lose that rank again when you drop under the next lower midpoint (e.g. you go back to 1k again if you fall under 2000).

Exciting table for 2 feb 2011

Rank Lowest Highest Mean Median avgGoR avgBGA Total
One Dan 1709 2256 2034 2042 2100 2040 497
Two Dan 1886 2309 2143 2147 2200 2135 290
Three Dan 1931 2390 2240 2243 2300 2230 248
Four Dan 2155 2478 2343 2352 2400 2325 182
Five Dan 2241 2568 2440 2451 2500 2420 93
Six Dan 2485 2644 2573 2578 2600 2515 38
Seven Dan 2627 2810 2723 2733 2700 2658 15

Some explanations for the exciting table. avgGoR = rating of a theoretical average -n-dan. avgBGA = rating of average -n- dan from interpolation across all active players from 19k to 5p. 7 dan in BGA terms is defined as 7.5 dan. This table takes as its basis the latest european rating list as displayed in EGD, all ranks above 7d are changed to be 7d for the purpose of making this table without any headache.

EGF Rating per Rank last edited by isd on February 11, 2011 - 15:58
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