Converting Diagrams to SGF


(Sebastian:) For me, it's easier to study a game with a good reader, such as SmartGo, than by looking at numbers in diagrams. It is great how easy SGF files can be obtained from a single diagram[1]. However, there exists no way yet to obtain a game that's spread over several diagrams. Therefore, I would like to see an easy way to convert sequences of diagrams[2] into SGF files. Such a tool could consist of

  • a continuity checker: Complains if a diagram can not be considered as a continuation (or in a later version, variation) of the previous diagram(s). This could also be invoked after editing diagrams.
  • the actual conversion machine. It would include comments that are marked with a stone or a number such as W234 into the correct move.

(repp:) How about a program that can concatenate SGF files?

(v01d?:) You can try this [ext] for merging

[1] (v01d?:) What program did you use to create SGF from diagram/image?

Maybe have a look at a script I wrote recently called image2sgf


It's a command line script written in Python to create an SGF file from an image.

[2] tderz: I have never tried it, please have a look at:
BiGo, [ext] BiGo OCR 0.1b claims to have a program for OCR-ing diagrams.
"BiGo OCR 0.1b
Program for scan and recognize Go diagrams and fast manual input (linear input) of Go games. "
"BiGo OCR (is) distributed as info-donationware. Program registration is free of charge"

Image to SGF conversion


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Converting Diagrams to SGF last edited by timan72 on September 19, 2021 - 12:54
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