CGOS Basic UCT Bots

    Keywords: Software, Online Go

There are several implementations of the basic UCT algorithm running CGOS with various UCT parameter settings, to find the best values for various parameters and reference points about basic UCT ELO rating to help check new implementations against bugs. The bots should use only the basic UCB1 formula (unless noted otherwise) and light playouts.

This table attempts to describe exactly what parameters do various bots use. The reference UCB1 equation is:

UCB1 = avgScore + c * sqrt(log(n) / m)

(Please note that c is outside of sqrt().)

Please keep the table sorted by {playouts, ELO}.

Nick               | ELO  | Plts | c    | Expand after  | Notes
pachi1-c0.5x50-10k | 1171 | 10k  | 0.5  | 50 in node    | 411 g
pachi1-p0.25-li10k | 1170 | 10k  | 0.5  | 2 in node     | 644 g
drdGeneric-10k     | 1221 | 10k  | 0.45 | 100 in parent | 950 g
myCtest-10k-UCT    | 1228 | 10k  | 0.5  | 50 in node    | 1943 g
Fluke-URd-0.25-25k | 1336 | 25k  | 0.25 | 1 in node     | 301 g
Fluke-UR2-0.25-25k | 1348 | 25k  | 0.25 | 2 in node     | 495 g
Fluke-UR4-0.25-25k | 1354 | 25k  | 0.25 | 4 in node     | 474 g
Fluke-UR4-0.71-25k | 1369 | 25k  | 0.71 | 4 in node     | 593 g
Fluke-UR8-0.45-25k | 1420 | 25k  | 0.45 | 8 in node     | 469 g
Fluke-UR4-0.50-25k | 1436 | 25k  | 0.50 | 4 in node     | 192 g
drdGeneric_25k     | 1449 | 25k  | 0.45 | 100 in parent | 976 g
Fluke-UR16-.45-25k | 1477 | 25k  | 0.45 | 16 in node    | 463 g
pachi1-p0.25-li25k | 1479 | 25k  | 0.5  | 2 in node     | 484 g
Fluke-UR4-0.45-25k | 1482 | 25k  | 0.45 | 4 in node     | 619 g
myCtest-V-0021     | 1470 | 50k  | 0.5  | 25 in node    | 603 g
myCtest-V-0020     | 1473 | 50k  | 0.5  | 50 in node    | 530 g
myCtest-V-0024     | 1475 | 50k  | 0.5  | 2 in node     | 548 g
myCtest-V-0022     | 1497 | 50k  | 0.5  | 10 in node    | 506 g
myCtest-V-0023     | 1507 | 50k  | 0.5  | 5 in node     | 788 g
pachi1-p0.25-li50k | 1603 | 50k  | 0.5  | 2 in node     | 748 g

CGOS Basic UCT Bots last edited by Unkx80 on July 25, 2008 - 17:33
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