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Hello, my name is Bokudo and I have played Go since 2004 I think, but honestly I am not sure.

The first long time I did not know how to play the game since I started playing it at and since I am not thai nor speak thai, I didn't know the name of the game or the rules, so I taugth myself the rules by playing the game. That was how I learned Go.

This is where I will keep my own personal studies or strategies I feel I want to look at. Feel free to look it over and comment, but please don't spam.

5-5 Point  

Recently I have begun a lot of study of the 5-5 point and found that it is quite useable. So I have tried quite a few times to play it with a pretty mixed result.

The 5-5 point emphasizes influence only, but it is possible to make a pillbox shape which is very strong and gives a lot of influence as well as potential corner territory.

Recently I have studied the 3-3 joseki's that can be found in the "Dictionary of Basic Joseki" by Yoshio Ishida. I will keep an example here for a 3-3 fuseki. This fuseki has been used by Go Seigen, Cho Chikun and Sakata Eio, just to mention some of the more famous names.

Double 3-3 Fuseki  

There is a quite new fuseki that has caught my attention, the Lei Fuseki. Lei should mean something like a flowerbud or something like that in Chinese and that was why that name was chosen for this fuseki.

The Lei Fuseki  

New Fuseki  

Here is another fuseki that caught my attention. Further study is needed!!! As far as I can see, this opening leaves two big points, namely A & B. C is also a possibility. It does all in all seem like a framework buildup where you either get territory or influence, depending on your opponents next move.

Bokudo last edited by on January 25, 2015 - 20:54
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