Bilim ve Gelecek

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Bilim ve Gelecek means "Science and Future" and it is a science, culture and politic magazine from Turkey. While you can visit this magazine via [ext] web, also Turkish readers can check the story of go column from [ext] my go page ([ext] archived from 2006 to 2013)
I am trying to describe and teach Go game for Turkish readers in this magazine.
I will drop (sub)titles here month by month for guiding you to give me your best advices: I am completely open for them. Thanks!.

March 2005: Vol. 13

Cover Story: Science how became the Science?

-Galilei, Newton, Lavoisier, Darwin...
-Galileo Galilei.
-Acme Point of the Classical Physics: Isaac Newton.
-Father of the Modern Chemistry: Antoine Laurent Lavoisier.
-The Biologist Who Changes the Way of Philosophy: Charles Darwin.

An Article About Go: The dance between black and white which takes 4000 years, the war between good and bad which takes 4000 years: GO.

-An Introduction of Go.
-Rules of Go.
-Go and Computers.
-Go and Strategies.
-Mao Zedung Applying Go Strategies.
-Kato Masao Sensei, 9p.

April 2005: Vol. 14

Cover Story: Are we slaves of our genes?

-So called gene flut: The God Gene Had Exist.
-The genes how much define and defines what?
-From Social Darwinism to Genetic Determinism.
-Genom 2005: Newest Findings.

1st Go Column

-How many eyes have you got?-1
-Go Editors ve Servers.
-Koyama Terumi held Female Meijin Title.

May 2005: Vol. 15

Cover Story: Intelligence in humans, computers and animals.

-Are Animals Clever?
-Can Computers think?
-What about Humans!?

2nd Go Column

-How many eyes have you got?-2
-A Strip from Almost Sente: #028 from [ext] this page.

June 2005: Vol. 16

Cover Story: The Newest Proof for Evolution.

-Evolutional "Be"ing of Human and Homo floresiensis.
-The Newest Proof for Evolution: Homo floresiensis.
-Lessons which are still valid from Stephen Jay Gould: Homo floresiensis and Equality of Humans.

3rd Go Column

-About choosing the moves.
-Cho U Holds 9th LG Cup%%%%

July 2005: Vol. 17

Cover Story: The Newest Proof for Evolution.

-Politic Einstein: He were a radical.
-Einstein Against Racism.
-He were a communist and a Soviet Agent according to FBI.
-Einstein: Why Socialism?

4th Go Column

-Symmetrical playing.
-I have started 'Go Problems' in this issue.
-26th WAGC Nagoya-Japan; Ertuğ Akkol, 2d.
-After the Turkey Go Championship; Çağatay Tavşanoğlu, 8k.

August 2005: Vol. 18

Cover Story: The Newest Proof for Evolution.

-Critiques for Prophet Muhammed according to Quran.
-Hardt and Negri's "Empire" and "Multitude".

5th Go Column


September 2005: Vol. 19

Cover Story: The Newest Proof for Evolution.

-An American Product Creation Sophistry: Intelligent Design.
-Kepler's Brief Life Story and Additives to Astronomy.
-Social Cost of Chernobyl.
-Troia and Anatolia.

6th Go Column

-Good Strategy, Good Shape.
-49th European Go Congress.

October 2005: Vol. 20

Cover Story:Capitalism of Katrina.

-The truth which has brought to light by Katrina.
-Where is the psychiatry running to?
-Gene technologies and equality.
-Anatolian excavations.

7th Go Column

-Korean Go Teachers: An interview with Lee Sung-keun and Kim Dong Chan from Myongji University.

November 2005: Vol. 21

Cover Story:Psychiatry experience and anti-psychiatry.

-Psychiatry, anti-psychiatry and new experiments.
-New global threat: Bird Flu.
-Interview with President of National Earthquake Council about Pakistan and Izmir earthquakes.
-Curt Kosswig passed through from these lands.

8th Go Column

-[ext] 5th Istanbul Go Tournament.

Bilim ve Gelecek last edited by bugcat on September 30, 2021 - 21:10
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