
Original position  

In this position it is not intuitive which move to start with, for both, or whether it matters. Let's evaluate the miai value of A first. To make things easy we're going to score White positive here, against common CGT practice.

Black first  

If B1 and White ignores, we score this as 0 points locally.

Black first  

If W2 responds, there's 1/2 point left. The count is 1 1/2 and the value of the next move is 1/2.

Hence the count of "Black first" is 3/4 and the value of W2 here (or B3 in the previous diagram) is 3/4.

White first  

If White first and Black ignores, the local score is 3.

White first  

If B2 responds, then we can evaluate the position from White's successive ignores. B6 turns the score into 0 again, hence after B4 the count is 1/2 and B6 is worth 1/2. Hence after B2 the count is 1 1/4 and the value of B4 is 3/4. Hence after W1 the count of "White first" is 2 1/8 and the value of B2 is 7/8

Original position  

The count of "B first" being 3/4 and "W first" being 2 1/8, the count in this diagram, assuming A is the better move, is 1 7/16 and the value is 11/16

Game tree for A (read minus sign for all the counts)

                   1 7/16 (11/16)
                  /              \
              3/4 (3/4)          2 1/8 (7/8)
             /  \                   /      \
            0   1 1/2 (1/2)   1 1/4 (3/4)   3
                / \            /        \
               1   2         1/2         2
                             / \
                            0   1

There's a problem in the tree: in the second branch the temperature increases, which means Black's move B2 after W1 is sente. We need to reduce the tree accordingly

                   11/8 (5/8)
                  /          \
              3/4 (3/4)      2 (1)
             /  \              / \
            0   1 1/2 (1/2)   2   3
                / \
               1   2
Move B - Black first  

We now start with B1 here. If W2 ignores, the score is 0. White has a ko threat now.

White responds  

After W2, like previously, B3 and B5 make the score 0 again, so after B3 the count is 1/2 (value 1/2), after W2 the count is 1 1/4 (value 3/4)

Hence the count after B1 is 5/8 (value 5/8)

Since the first exercise, we're on our guard. Indeed 3/4 > 5/8 so B3 is sente. The actual count after W2 is then 1 (value 1) and the count after B1 is 1/2 (value 1/2). But this in turn means W2 is sente, so the count after B1 is 1 and both W2 and B3 are sente.

Move B - White first  

After W1 it's easy to see B2 is sente and the count is 2.

This means, assuming B is the better move, the count of the original position is 1 1/2 and the value of the move is 1/2.

Game tree for B

            1 1/2 (1/2)
            /         \
           1 (1)       2 (1)
          /  \         / \
         0    1 (1)   2   3
             / \
         1 (1)   2
        / \
       0   1

BeginnersEndgameExercise9/Solution last edited by Dieter on June 19, 2023 - 00:04
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