Beginner Game Sample 3 Part 2

  Difficulty: Beginner   Keywords: Game commentary
Moves 41 to 50  

B1: Andre Engels: Good.

W2: AE (Andre Engels): Bad. This exchange helps black a lot more than it does white, a typical case of a thank you move.

B5: unkx80: Normally this is played at B8 instead, to be consistent with B1.

W6: AE: Bad. White must connect the ko at B7.

W8: AE: This is an overplay, but neither player handles the follow-up correctly. Black should have simply connected instead of playing B9. White probably has to defend the corner, after which black can play a, turning W8 into an outright loss. White should have taken the ko instead of W10, black does not seem to have ko threats (and even if he had, forcing him to use one of them would have been a good idea).

Moves 51 to 60  

B1: AE: This corner is an enormous success for black now.

B3: AE: Good.

B5: AE: If played at W8 instead, white is probably dead.

B9: AE: Too shy. Black a probably secures the corner as well, and also has an enormous follow-up at b.

Orcun: I was still trying to make b a bigger move for black and make it less effective for white since even if white cuts, two black groups are large. I guess a would make white to play b immediately. But I have to agree that a would be a better move against a stronger opponent.

Moves 61 to 70  

B1: AE: Probably better at 2 and fight.

B5: AE: Big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

W6: AE: Rather vague.

B7: AE: Too small, black should either reduce deeper (for example at 8), or leave the whole position and play elsewhere.

Orcun: I was planning to play B9 at the circled point but again I forgot my plan, but White remembered with W4 in the following diagram which made both B7 and B9 small. I seem to play conservative when I think I am in a good position.

B9: AE: Also too small, endgame. And there are bigger endgame points in this position, like a.

Orcun: I cannot see why a is a big endgame move. I know I should have played it since it keeps sente but does that make more than 4 points? Still, B9 was a big big mistake.

unkx80: The effect is cumulative. 4 points here, another 4 points there, yet another 4 points somewhere else, then another 4 points there, and add another 4 points say at the corner. There you go, a 20 point difference, definitely significant enough to show a difference in strength. =)

W10: AE: Being much behind, white has to find something else than this.

Moves 71 to 80  

B3: AE: Black keeps playing this kind of moves. Remember that in general the largest endgame moves (and this is clearly endgame - you are not trying to attack or defend any groups, just score points) are usually on the edge.

Beginner Game Sample 3 Part 2 last edited by Dieter on January 13, 2012 - 17:23
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