BCh / Why NOTTo Improve

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Having read DieterVerhofstadt's page on improving, I feel compelled to write an account on why NOT to improve at go :)

  • The first good reason not to improve, is that it takes lots of effort, discipline and sacrifices. It should be obvious for all that, just as you compare the worth of two moves, you should balance the pleasure of gaining a few stones, with the pleasure of playing mediocre but relaxed games, sipping some kind of local alcohol, and taking the time to kibitz the other games around.
  • The second reason not to improve is that, if you improve, you will either force your usual partners to improve, or leave them behind. Kyu-inflation is just as bad as monetary inflation, and therefore, you should refrain from starting this race.

Player carrying go books to counter the Kyu-inflation, circa 200 B.C.

Player carrying go books to counter the Kyu-inflation, circa 200 B.C.

  • It should be noted that, while improving is nice, you always end up a couple stones short from playing properly. Therefore, we can conclude that improving is not a fulfilling endeavour.

BCh / Why NOTTo Improve last edited by on September 11, 2014 - 12:47
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