Amateur Fuseki 11

    Keywords: Opening, Question

Could someone please comment on this fuseki? Especially I would like to understand the the proper way for black to make use of his (thick?) wall in the lower left side.

Position at move 20  

Game continuation  

I have the following questions:

  • Is B1 the correct way to make use of the wall or would an immediate approach at B5 have been better?
  • Is capturing with B3 correct (W2 breaks the ladder)?
  • Should black play B5 differently to avoid getting shut in in the upper right corner?
  • Is B7 and B9 a way to separate the white groups or is it simply a bad idea?
  • With the two marked stones of black in place: Is the black framework still open at the skirt?

Many thanks!

Andy Pierce: You didn't specify comments from people who actually know how to play, so here's my $0.02. :)

  • I think B1 is too soft on white and that it tries (not very well) to make territory from thickness. With B1 high and the skirt open at the bottom (which it is to answer your last question eg monkey jump to a) white will have an easy time invading here when the time comes.
  • I don't think capturing at B3 is particularly necessary after W2 since black has some potential in the corner (Bb, Wc, Bd) after which black can close off the corner on the right in sente and be able to make a nice extension from this wall. I'm not confident in this answer at all though, so I'd appreciate comments from stronger players. I hate white's W2. This is way too early for this move as it exerts no pressure on black at all, other than breaking the ladder. White should wait until she can break the ladder with a dual purpose move. Also, for reducing the shimari a white stone at e is better than W2. After W2, as black I may well immediately pressure this stone by playing Bf.
  • I don't like B7 and B9, but have trouble saying why. They seem to make some territory in an area that is not that interesting. These make it too easy for white to complete a big corner with only a little overconcentration. :)

HolIgor: I can't see much in the way of killing white's group in the corner, so I'd a atari from below and then make the ponnuki. After that my play would be to get as many corners are possible. White can't get much from the influence now. If White defends corners I will have no choice but to build a huge moyo and hope to get some territory attacking.


Joonas Tyystjarvi: I'd like B1 at a myself (after that, Black b captures if W3), but I'm not sure if it's a neat multipurpose move or a thin move inviting disaster.

To assess  

Charles HolIgor's suggestion seems the proper way to play, to me. Assume White plays to defend one of the corners. As shown, white+circle prevents Black doing very much with the wall on the higher side; one can also argue for White at the circled point (because of the open skirt on the left side).

So, now there is a big point in the region of the x points, but the flanking extension from the wall in one or other direction from Black seems bigger. And almost sente. Black can hope to extend and then play the big point upper right: a double kakari would be welcome.

All in all, this seems playable for Black. It is hard to say that White is ahead.

Amateur Fuseki 11 last edited by on January 23, 2015 - 08:27
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