Adding Pages

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How to add a new page to the library.

Step 1. Find a good place to link your page from. Every page in the library should be linked from somewhere else, otherwise nobody will ever find it. For example, if you want to add a page about a go book, you could link it from go books, or from the page of the author. If you want to write about a club, link it from go places or one of the more specific pages, such as go places in europe.

Step 2. Edit the page from step 1, find the section you want to link from and add thetitle of your new page in the appropriate place, surrounded by square brackets. For example, edit go places in europe and add groningen go club to the section titled "Netherlands" at the point in the list where it belongs, alphabetically. Save the page

Step 3. Now that you've added the link to the page, it should show up as a page which does not yet exist? link, which is underlined and has a question mark (?) directly behind it. Click on the question mark to start creating your new page.

Step 4. After clicking the question mark, you will be shown a form where you can edit the content of your new page. Fill out the text area with the content of your page, choose appropriate keywords and optionally set the difficulty, and then save the page

Adding Pages last edited by ajisubarashii on April 2, 2019 - 18:34
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