About Reading Things Out

  Difficulty: Advanced   Keywords: MiddleGame, Life & Death, Problem

This page is in need of attention.
Reason: This page was started for analysis by the community but the original poster never provided the answer

In a recent game on IGS between MyMaster and kobe (B) an interesting position arose which deserves a bit of attention and is a wonderful source of reading problems.

The position diagram  

The moves to W3 are a direct attack on Black's group and are worth a bit of study. W1 is on the vital point of the black group's eye shape while W3 is a tesuji for preventing Black from connecting to the right.

The importance of playing on the vital point  

If White plays here first, then Black has no problem living with B2. This is still a good result for White; but if White is able to kill the black group then this diagram is a failure. So White must sit back and start reading before deciding on whether to attack the group, or to take the small profit by taking just three black stones.

The above is NOT a good result for white. It is infact a flower ko for black  

white must play the Ko, or lose his entire group. Black risks nothing...


Huh? I failed to finish this page. Can you please explain which white group is in danger David? Also can you explain why white plays 5?


The continuation...  

Black pulls out a tesuji of his own and if you haven't read it all out you might find yourself lost for a continuation. What to play and what not to play next will be the source of the material for this page....


edit: Goran had the first move, I added 2. this doesn't work


Well why don't you try a different move then :). I said this was a reading problem.


Matt: In this case D6 and and F6 are Miai, though F6 seems to lead to less complications.

Continuing Further...  

I think there might be a problem with move #2... Shown in the previous diagram... Because after Black plays 1 here then White has the choice of giving up 2 stones or letting Black connect out... So he saves his stones by playing at 2... After 5 Black is connected out :D ~ Sleeper

The position diagram  

Dieter's attempt.

Start a capturing race  

BramGo: B1 has a lot of variations which all reach the same position.

A one way road...  

BramGo: After this sequence, the white group at the lower side of the board cannot live without a difficult capturing race.

Capturing race...  

BramGo: After W9 the capturing race continues and black has 1 more liberty... Unless if there's another way to play the capturing race ?

About Reading Things Out last edited by Dieter on May 23, 2020 - 23:15
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