3-5 point low approach, pincer, attach on approach, develop on both sides

    Keywords: Joseki
Starting position  

This position can be reached in two ways:

Which reverse the order of the white+circle and black+circle stones to get to this position

Until 1963, a was the common way to continue after B1. But in 1963, Fujisawa Hideyuki found the tesuji b, which has been the common way to play since then.

Table of contents Table of diagrams
Starting position
Famous tesuji
Follow-up after tenuki
Exploring the cut
White not alive yet?
Killing attempt is risky
Killing attempt need support
Tesuji if black defends differently
Explore variations
Explore variations
alternative variation
alternative variation
Explore alternative
Explore alternative 2
White is surrounded
Famous killing sequence
More Explore

Basic joseki

Famous tesuji  

W1 is a famous use of the Grappling hook tesuji [1]. After W3, black can defend on the left with B4 or a point near it (c or d). White can now choose to defend the cut a or perhaps to attack with b, but can also play tenuki.

White should keep in mind that the corner is not yet alive, so if this group is sealed in, white needs a move to live.

Follow-up after tenuki  

After a white tenuki, the follow-up looks like this (assuming black played black+circle). After B7 White can play tenuki again, because she can always get an eye at d if she so wishes, so the corner is not at risk.

What if black cuts?

Exploring the cut  

Dieter: I'm afraid we cannot call it a famous tesuji without exploring it. What happens next?

Herman: Ishida calls this a possibility ("black resists strongly"), but says that black is rarely able to play this way, because the atari at c is too painful.

fractic: Kogo's joseki dictionary paints a different picture. White's corner isn't alive yet so she doesn't have time to atari at c. Instead of W1 Kogo suggests W3 and goes on to show that black can't resist with B2 at W1 so that it just reverts to joseki with a different move order. Then again Kogo isn't allways right and it admits that it isn't sure about the punishment of B2.

Herman: In reponse to this: A search in GoGoD shows that W3 first has not been played since 1962, all games from 1963 onwards have W1

White not alive yet?  

fractic: B2 and B4 kill the corner. In fact Kogo goes as far to say that the original tesuji is disadvantagous because of this.

Killing attempt is risky  

Herman: Lets see if that's true :)

Herman: Seems to me black may be in trouble after W9

fractic: This does indeed look very troublesome for black. Looks like Black can indeed only cut if he can tolerate the atari.

Bob McGuigan: Ishida says that Black has to have some strength to the right to push and cut.

Killing attempt need support  

Herman: Seems that the only realistic chance here is if black can escape with B14, which is probably what Ishida means when he talks about black being strong to the right.

tderz: Black wouldn't like to give White a ponnuki and then die (as it seems here - if not black stones as near as a present).

Herman: Exactly, so the only time black can play like this is if he can escape and kill the corner. That's worth a ponnuki :-)
tderz: It should be noted that the position of B6 here is changed with regard to the first diagram.
This has an important impact on less Black weaknesses to exploit for White.

This example shows it:

Tesuji if black defends differently  

tderz: B6 changed to the position of the other diagrams ...
and tesuji W9 makes miai of c and cut d.
This illustrates the disadvantages of 'banging-ones-head-of-two-stone' B2.
It really needs a continuation of B6 at e.

Variations after the cut

Explore variations  

tderz: this is from a professional game: "B2 is a good move. B6 is powerful"

Explore variations  

tderz: "Now W4 cannot be omitted" (cf. with above TsumeGo diagrams)

alternative variation  

tderz: B8 seems like forcing a ko on White, but she has W4 in the continuation diagram below.

alternative variation  

tderz: "White can connect at white+triangle and live with W4. "

Double peep instead of cut

Explore alternative  

Dieter: Or is W3 the move?

Explore alternative 2  

Dieter: With this variation?

Herman This look too good for black. white+circle is now a wasted move, and black can continue with c and seal white in completely.

Killing sequence if sealed in

White is surrounded  

tderz: It can be mentioned here, that White - by all means (as usual) - has to avoid being shut-in, ...

Famous killing sequence  

tderz: ... as the combination B1-B3 is a known miaoshou.
The points a and d are now miai and White is dead.

More Explore  

Andy Pierce: Can black play this way with the idea of sealing white into the corner, sacrificing black+circle if needed?

Herman: Dubious. After W15, white threatens double atari at a, so black cannot play b. Which would meanthat white can move along the side there.

[1] xela: not sure why this tesuji is called "famous", but a similar shape can be seen at 4-5 point 4-3 approach inside contact, follow-ups

Herman: Ishida calls this the "well-known tesuji" in his Dictionary of Basic Joseki. I've seen Alexandre Dinerchtein call this the "famous tesuji" in a game review.

3-5 point low approach, pincer, attach on approach, develop on both sides last edited by velobici on October 6, 2011 - 20:13
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