3-4 point low approach one-space high pincer one space jump

    Keywords: Joseki



In this reference diagram, W1 jumps out of the pincer, B2 strengthens the corner stone while applying pressure, W3 counters the pincer, B4 jumps out of that and W5 crosses under. The remainder of the sequence leads to a peaceful result:

Black gets strength to the side and the center. White gets side territory and sente. Both have access to the corner as a large endgame.


Pushing along the 4th line  

This variation goes against conventional wisdom, as it pushes Black along the 4th line, making a lot of territory. Still AI offers this as an equal result. For one thing, the original pincer is close to White strength. White has sente. Pincering the black stone is not necessary now that White is so far out, but if there is White influence in the top right, the pincer is efficient as a double purpose move.


After White's counter pincer, B1 can switch, offering the original pincer stone as a sacrifice, taking influence to the left side and corner territory. White has sente.


After White's pincer and Black's jump, again White can press against the top. Again, depending on the whole board, White may defend her pincer stone to strengthen the attack on the black stones.


Instead of W9 in the reference diagram, White can wedge at W1 here. Black should atari from the inside. The result is comparable to the reference diagram, but now Black has sente in return for a bigger value for White when playing A or B next.

White's wedge here has been recommended against in Ishida's famous joseki book. However, the punishment offered there is evaluated by AI as a failure for Black:

Ishida - W10 at black+circle  

Ishida ataris from the outside at B1 then wraps around the white stones, forcing them into a lump. Ishida calls this a collaps for White. Next ...

Ishida ctd  

B1 and W2 reinforce. Then B3 sets in motion a capturing sequence, which finishes off 3 stones at A. Although Ishida seems to find Black's corner, capture and sticking out its head into the center, an advantageous position, AI has a different evaluation and thinks Black loses about 5 points overall. The interpretation of that is that White has influence on both sides and pretty strong too. Black has lost two stones as well and black+circle is a superfluous stone.



With B5 Black starts a fight.


Both can compromise this way but there are many occasions for both to resist.


For example, W1 here instead of W8 in the previous diagram can lead to Black playing on both sides, while White takes influence in the centre. As the corner is split and there is a weakness at a it is not easy to see White's profit but this has been played in pro games, where White continues at b or c.

3-4 point low approach one-space high pincer one space jump last edited by Dieter on February 9, 2024 - 14:26
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