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Hello. I decided to make this website on the five year anniversary of the American Go Honor Society (formerly known as the Sea Otter Go Club).

My main intention with the American Go Honor Society is to help develop the strength of American go to rival that of oriental nations and perhaps one day, establish a professional go scene in the United States.

I first started this project when I was thirteen years old, and established the first national high school team go tournament later that year. The K-12 National Team Go Tournament is continuing to this day. I received notice of Canada's interest in 2003 and France in 2006 for this tournament, so it expanded for an RSC Champions League with the national champions of the three nations as well as the defending champion. RSC stands for the Rising Star Challenge, the former name of the K-12 NTGT, which changed in 2003 after the inclusion of Canadian teams.

A couple of weeks ago, I was appointed to the American Go Association national staff - making me one of the youngest. I signed up along with Wren Chan and Jin Chen in order to breathe some younger blood into the AGA and hopefully, make it a stronger entity. Here are my trials and struggles - and I hope to build this program beyond my imagination dictates.

About me: Christopher Vu (Vu Hoang-Long)

Residence: Houston, Texas

Current Status: Junior, Seton Hall University (South Orange, NJ)

Approximate Strength - 12-kyu

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nemoneko last edited by Hicham on April 18, 2006 - 21:36
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