Agt Against Chess Whiz

    Keywords: Ongoing game

Agt: I suggest H2 with 0.5 komi (Japanese rules), since IGS ratings are at least as strong as KGS/NNGS ones, in my humble opinion.

ChessWhiz: Sounds fine. Good luck!

Latest move marked  

Agt: Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that black wins by 24.5. Sorry for the long delay, had nasty real life issues since late 2003. Thanks for the game anyway !

Captured stones  

Moves 111-120  

W113: PASS -- go ahead and score it. :-)

B112: PASS

Moves 101-110  

W107: Almost finished!

W103: Finishing up...

B102: Better safe than sorry.

Moves 91-100  

W95: I'll grab this while I can. :-)

W91: Looks like I'd better patch up here.

Moves 81-90  

W87: You tryin' to make a monkey outta me? ;-)

B86: Monkey Jump.

W85: Moving on to the next largest move (I think).

W81: More sente. :-)

Moves 71-80  

W79: This seems like a solid DoubleSente move.

B78: Safer.

W75: I'll play here before moving on.

B74: I won't let you link :)

W73: Sure, that's fine, too.

B72: I'd prefer to finish this game first ;)

W71: Glad to see you back! This game is very old -- I am now more like 2-kyu level then the 11k* I was back when we started. Would you like to start a new game on the DragonGoServer? I have an account there, and we can play at whatever time control you'd like.

Moves 61-70  

B70: I'm back, sorry for the long interruption...

W67: I think this is the next biggest play...

W65: I suppose I'll push once more.

W63: I've won the ko... the game is next. *wink*

B62: Better safe than sorry.

W61: Sorry for the delay, I didn't notice you had moved. Let's try to keep the game moving a bit faster from now on. :-)

Life and death?  

unkx80: I think this position raises an interesting life and death question. After B1, white cannot make two eyes locally and has to resort to breaking out from W2 onwards. But I guess white cannot escape being killed?

Moves 51-60  

W59: I'll fight the ko.

W57: Let's stir up some trouble.

W55: This ought to hold things together.

W53: I feel that this is forced.

B52: That's not very nice...

W51: Forcing move, first...

Moves 41-50  

W47: Now I push.

B46: Let's try this.

W45: Trying to keep from being cut.

B44: Trying to cut.

W43: This could turn out to be a problem...

B42: I don't want to defend too passively.

W41: I have to reduce your territory while I still can.

Moves 31-40  

W39: Now I'll respond.

B38: What else?

W37: I don't think it's time to tenuki yet! I'll strengthen my wall and attack at the same time.

B36: Let's play somewhere else, then.

W35: Cut me if you dare.

B34: Hesitantly.

W33: How will you respond to this?

B32: Let's try this (I hope this isn't too lame).

W31: Let's confuse things a bit.

Moves 21-30  

B30: What about this?

W29: Defending with an attachment.

B28: Attacking from the other side.

W27: Boshi.

B26: Time to attack this weak group, I guess.

W25: Taking a big point.

W23: Expanding my eyespace.

B22: What else?

W21: You attach, I extend. It's that simple.

Moves 11-20  

B20: Protecting against the cut, and hopefully building some influence as well...

Agt: Interesting. I wonder if I should try to kill these two stones (if it is possible) or not... ChessWhiz: I don't think it's possible right now. The best try may be at c. (Not that I'm giving you any hints... ;-)

W19: Making a (weak) base.

B18: So am I.

W17: Taking a big chunk of territory.

dnerra: The question is -- When to tenuki? While White 17 is big -- it isn't that big either, as the 3-3 point in the lower right is still open. On the other hand, doing something about the weak stone White 11 looks urgent. White d might be a useful start. But then, it is a handicap game, where any special strategy might be called good, if it just succeeds...

B16: Following the joseki.

W15: Before you cut at b, take a look at the cathedral. :-)

W13: Both B12 and a seem like reasonable moves to me. With my move, I'm following the proverb, Respond To Attachment With Hane.

B12: Maybe a was better, but with my level, I can't say.

W11: I can see that I'm behind already, but since I started out behind, I might as well stay optimistic. :-) Let's see how you respond to this double kakari.

Moves 01-10  

W9: Yes, I think that Black 8 was better than playing at b.

B8: I considered playing b to be more solid but I don't think you can invade at a now anyway.

W7: I considered playing a 3-3 point invasion at a, but this seems better.

W3: Wow, 19x13 is weird. ;-)

Agt Against Chess Whiz last edited by ProtoDeuteric on February 22, 2005 - 04:07
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